Instantly hailed as the most important structure of its time, Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum Bilbao recently celebrated a decade of extraordinary success on October 19, 2007. With close to ninety exhibitions and over ten million visitors to its credit, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao forever changed the way the world thinks about museums, and it continues to challenge our assumptions about the connections between art, architecture, and collecting.Somewhere PreChristmas 201 class I showered myself with a LUXURIOUS purchasing spree and a fine rhetouble of cream to boot my ass into the world of Multiple Juggling, metaphors were being reworked by language I had encountered in Jaynes' writing, and consciousness had somewhere new to think itself (but although the living Processand Reality that Whiteheads path evokes, that still leaves OOO as word temporaire dans la nuit de mon vie (Here) where juggling reality and designing fluid rhythm flows was anyway all worthy Joycean overflows of time then. The question of airports (my favourite is....) and when these objects show up in books will be referenced to eventually (clearly) to passages in what I am preferring to call the book Mustard as it was said in the text (see p80 Afterword LINK to O books here Circus Philosophicus) where are Zebras also to be found ("flag with the sleeping zebra" (p. 68) emerges as worthy, philosophical objects that must be upheld (see Prince of Networks), which sort of changed the tone of my Christmas, gathered as I was around the ambience of objects and their rhetorical devices employed to get us to buy them. (a subject which to my mind can now no longer be explored in the same way or with the old sloppy language game about capitalist economy in Christmastime either from Grumpy Old Man perspective) or ever-so alluring is bad (in a sort of post Puritan undertow of physics where cake eating and over eating still regulate an economy somewhere) nor neglecting also the word Love in the mixture meant that these were all withdrawn. That eased the question nicely; actually providing a basis for radical letting go, as evidenced in the philosophy of dropping in juggling where mistakes are no longer failures but instead are an essential form of feedback, valuable feedback at that; necessary to the steps were a preliminary familiarisation with 3 ball cascade juggling, after which its all about multiples and weird learning curves (yes, learning to juggle is weird).world weird? consciousness can't face that, it has to interfere with some learning, true, but i think overall in juggling, consciousness is a good thing and assists the learning, and i think thats obvious from the sheer numbers. But christmas had changed anyway. Snow had lit up the vibrating network, and the dynamic front end of the train (however soft!) had congealed into a nasty set of road conditions and a full stop at the airports (airports which had been in fact much in the news becasue of the trompe l'oeuil of Iceland's volcanish ash depttartment) from which we hadn't really recovered was bringing sorrow to a whole set of conditions which cohered into a stumbling upon, not quite without desighn, but i guess with some sort of motility.
HERE"S another great juggler (as interim prelude) to that other subject, PINK BALLS, HYPEROBJECTS and
HERE"S another great juggler (as interim prelude) to that other subject, PINK BALLS, HYPEROBJECTS and