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Saturday, November 20, 2010

"The squid"

NOTES: Object: OOO (using) World as word and MINDmap as Method of Thinking?

"is this the right room for an argument?

where is my plutonium 239? (on this mind map, it's "in" gerry garcia's crotch). Arguing, as Tim points out (via Monty Python) not outmoded but.... the object" resplendent" inaugurates a "new era in academic worlds" via WEIRDNESS ("which resides ") quote "on the side of objects themselves, not our interpretation of them"

"right here / not appealing to being of the pencil)"

like TIM, I'm feeling Garcia, like Plutonium 239, is going on long after I'm gone... (reincarnation notwithstanding, "I" am). this make sme (someone/ me?) think (s) the Grateful Dead may also be Hyper Objects.

are all Objects Hyper Objects? the observation appears to conclude that YES, the milkshake I hold before, full of its platinum froth and beleagured acumen, exists both in the mantle of McDonalds and outside the being that is sipping. Yes? I'm thrilled to be stimulated this way, thinking at last feels as if it has reached "the object themselves"... so I am now rushing, in a sort of non spatialised way, down to the metacafe to pick up his latest publication

Hyperobjects 3.0: Physical Graffiti

Here's the lecture I gave at Rice today. Featuring extensive discussions of relativity and quantum theory. I'm particularly happy with the stuff on relativity, which I've been keeping under wraps for a while. Basically everything Graham says about time and space on the inside of an object is what Einstein also says in another key. Also featuring the work of Levi
ProfessorNature is not natural and can never be likenaturalized — Graham Harman


Rice Grad Class on OOO and Speculative Realism

Great students, clearly having a good time at Rice, asked a lot of great questions and got me thinking about OOO as I presented some of my work and the final chapter of Graham Harman's Prince of Networks.

looking for the narcissm text.... Re: PrOCESSES ARE OBJECTS PR...... an object like entity.... scary.... ref: Buddhaphobia" (by T Morton). Essence of this feedback loop is totally cool and really good; but is not me!



'We no longer consider the biography of a philosopher as a set of empirical accidents that leaves one with a name that would then itself be offered up to philosophical reading, the only kind of reading held to be philosophically legitimate. Neither readings of philosophical systems nor external empirical readings have ever in themselves questioned the dynamics of that borderline between the work and the life, between the system and the subject of the system. This borderline is neither active nor passive; it's neither outside nor inside. It is most especially not a thin line, an invisible or indivisible trait that lies between the philosophy on the one hand, and the life of an author on the other.'

'The very condition of a deconstruction may be at work in the work, within the system to be deconstructed. It may already be located there, already at work. Not at the center, but in an eccentric center, in a corner whose eccentricity assures the solid concentration of the system, participating in the construction of what it, at the same time, threatens to deconstruct. One might then be inclined to reach this conclusion: deconstruction is not an operation that supervenes afterwards, from the outside, one fine day. It is always already at work in the work. Since the destructive force of Deconstruction is always already contained within the very architecture of the work, all one would finally have to do to be able to deconstruct, given this always already, is to do memory work. Yet since I want neither to accept nor to reject a conclusion formulated in precisely these terms, let us leave this question suspended for the moment.'

'Who is it that

objects ontology


On-Going Mind Map about Conversation ref: Gestalt Isomorphism

The Central Insight Behind My Work:

The Epistemology of Conscious Experience

A brief illustrated presentation of the epistemology of conscious experience, and its implications for the computational function of visual processing. The idea of Indirect Perception, or Epistemological Dualism, was the central inspiration for much of Gestalt theory. And although this idea is hardly ever discussed these days (except to be dismissed off-hand) it happens to be right, for it is the only explanation which is consistent with the materialist view of mind as the functioning of the physical brain. One day this idea will turn the worlds of neuroscience and psychology on their heads!

A Cartoon Epistemology

An informal cartoon presentation of the central epistemological debate between naive realism and representationalism.

The Dimensions of Visual Experience: A Quantitative Ananlysis

mind map from Tim Morton lecture at Rice (19/11/2010)

notes from Rice University lecture by Tim Morton

"IT'S JUST: five ball thinking....
Posted by: philosophyinatimeoferror | November 19, 2010


1. Devin Shaw has a post up on last week’s RPA (I appreciate his kind comments), and I agree on his own paper being about Benjamin, not Agamben. His comments on Bat-Ami Bar On’s plenary are right on, though of course, he’s agreeing with me, so that seems a weird way of agreeing with myself. (I do!) There’s this strange tick that those who seem least prepared to talk about something go on and on about how others should do research in that area (one sees this with the sciences all the time). Maybe it’s that people take their own initial ignorance when they came across the topic—after all, they hadn’t heard of it—and think that this ignorance is widely shared. Of course, maybe you knew that already…

2. Levi Bryant has been energetically going into Sartre’s CDR, though I wonder if this long post doesn’t make too much of “antipraxis” (ok, but what of the inertness of the practico-inert? Calagno didn’t insert “experience” into Sartre’s account for little reason. But it’s good to push him in the other direction, and I look forward to Levi’s post on later sections).

3. Infinite Thought has a great set of pics up cheerfully taking the Evening Standard to task for its headline that said leftist professors were grading “Full Marks For Riots, Say Leftist Professors.” Just go see it and you’ll get the point. I think I’ll have to print some of them up for my door at work. (Will it go with my poster a student made of all the personages in Dante’s Inferno? Why not?)

4. Here’s a wishlist for changes to the APA-East. Some of the suggestions are good (can we stop dragging jobless students to the APA-east for interviews, costing at least $175 in hotel fees for the privilege? It just seems an extra kick to graduating Ph.D.s in this market…when the technology is easily available to avoid this [and would mean wider committees from the institutions themselves, since they wouldn't be limited by who could be in Boston at such and such a time...])

5. Scu has a post of books that changed his mind. (I hope to change his mind on his belief that Foucault only held sovereign power to be reactive and deductive…)

6. Not good news out of my alma mater.

7. More bad news at an of U of C regents meeting, where police pulled a gun and pepper sprayed student protesters for being protestors or something…

8. And pulling it all together, here’s Protevi on “security theater.”

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  1. That is actually a good thing to clarify. I read both Homo Sacer and State of Exception before I read, say, Security, Territory, Population. Foucault doesn’t treat sovereignty in merely reactive or repressive ways in those lectures. It would not be that hard to convince me that I had a bad reading of some of Foucault’s earlier writings. Or even that Foucault’s notion of sovereignty might have changed.

  2. Peter,

    The link to Infinite Thought is misdirected (to Larval Subjects).


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