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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Processes as HyperObjects : "Dear Tim".... sure I can detect in myself Here, my Latent Correlationalism...

should you find yourself here (finally) Hi!  that sure is a good book and how pleasing to find philosphy renewed. All i really need to make sure i say is: Yr weather-climate hyper-object (Model) is marvelous. Made me goo, all the news. And, thankyou for the You Tube talks and yr blog talks... here's become a surprise as well, having to provide a rhizomatic trace for reasons yet to be fathomed. Bust I must say, it's coming clearer (see my latest post about shoes and Buddhism) as well as posts in this Lava Lamposting Age! (how's that for ecologique critiqwe... er shoud meet up soon, sniffs of Tweeter and all (what was Stephen Fry doing in Sudan?) can't remember, anyway. The way you talk about it helps me understand it (only you can do that; as we proved years ago, I needed a translator).... then, now I'm understanding it a bit better: assemblages, networks, cheetahs and centaurs have made the lunch on Jan I fine and dandy. Having lunched on OOO for six weeks or so now, my mood wavers between elation and "something unnameable".... can think with rhetoric's importance in all of this, so yeah, I get where yr coming from/going to/are being with it. I'm sure there'll be more cause to say: " I really hope yr grading goes well" the trip south, that MLA address on Buddha, so yeah, can say I'm keeping up with the and and the of of books. I've just about finished with using the word finsihing apres Finitude but"Euclid's Lane" (another chapter in what I'm calling Orange Sunshine) is being written (fFinn Sighing Press) so the parallels and correlations continue with Spice (now i can use the word simply!) mounted up: Euclid, Darwin.... Harman. Anyway, i could babble at you for hours, waxing Blakean into the night about my enthusios. Thanks for passing the bug! Your books look great on my bookshelves, on the floor, all's a mess of paper notes and mind styles  Thanks for writing them. Spice is going to be crucial in the next year, as is the age of Discovery, Aristotle and terra incognita; one of my characters lives on christmas Island, and the other in Napier (NZ). Sleep well.

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