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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Will we ever be mature 
1. What is Philosophy?, 48.
enough for a Spinozist inspiration? It happened once with 
Bergson: the beginning of Matter and Memory marks out a place 
that slices through the chaos – both the infinite movement of a 
substance that continually propagates itself, and the image of 
thought that everywhere continually spreads a pure conscious- 
ness in principle (immanence is not immanent ‘to’ conscious- 
ness but the other way around).2 
 There are at least two ways to approach such a text. 
The first way – the most natural way – would be to try 
to understand by applying oneself to a more in-depth 
reading of Deleuze. This would necessitate, for example, 
an elucidation of what Deleuze means by ‘plane of 
immanence’ or ‘chaos’. It would also mean resituating this 
text in the light of Deleuze’s Cinema – and more especially 
in the light of the two commentaries in The Movement-Image 
dedicated to the first chapter of Matter and Memory.3  But 
there is a second way of approaching this text, and it is this 
alternative that we shall pursue here. It might at first seem 
somewhat artificial, but we hope that its aim and its interest 
will rapidly become evident.4 
In what, then, does this reading consist? No longer in 
trying to understand the text in question on the basis of a 
2. Ibid., 48-9. Translation modified. 
3. Cinema 1: The Movement-Image, Chapters 1 (3-12) and 4 (58-72). 
4. Although this article is concerned with the link between Matter and Memory and 
Deleuze’s philosophy, we will make no further reference to the analyses in Cinema of 
Bergson’s masterwork, and the reader may, quite rightly, be surprised at this. But our 
aim is to clarify, to grasp the intimate relation between these two thinkers, something 
which is not the same as undertaking an exegesis of those Deleuzian texts expressly 
dedicated to Bergson. Our path, as will be seen, is constructive, not exegetical. And 

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